Monday, February 07, 2005

Praying in the Spirit - Introduction

Tongues Introduction
1. The first experience of the Christian life is SALVATION
– INFLOW of the Holy Spirit.
2. The second experience of the Christian life is RECEIVING or MAKING WELCOME the Holy Spirit, so that Jesus can cause Him to pour out this new life from our spirits, to baptize our souls and bodies, and then the world around, with His refreshing and renewing power. – The OUTFLOW of the Holy Spirit.

Speaking in Tongues
Because the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an OUTFLOW, it makes sense that it would involve a special kind of SPEAKING.

Your voice is the main outlet of your whole being, through which you express yourself to God and to the world around you.

WORDS are powerful.

Salvation is the result of speaking the truth about Jesus – Romans 10:10

We have ABUSED the power to speak – James 3:6

Our SPEECH needs to be tamed and purified before it can be used properly to speak to the Lord and for the Lord. – Zephaniah 3:9

NEW LANGUAGE is a part of the baptism of the Holy Spirit

Acts 2:4 10:44-48 11:13-16 19:1-7

Other places where speaking in tongues is mentioned, implied or discussed include:
Isaiah 28:11-12, Mark 16:17, Romans 8:26-27, 1 Cor. 12:10, 13:1, 14:1-39, Jude 20

WHAT is this?
• Speaking in tongues is prayer with or in the Spirit. (Eph. 6:18)
o It is our spirit speaking to God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
o It takes place when a Christian believer speaks to God, but instead of speaking in a language that he knows with his intellect he just speaks, in childlike faith, and trusts God to provide the form of the words.
• The regenerated human spirit now is joined to the Holy Spirit is praying directly
to the Father, in Christ, without having to accept the limitations of the intellect.
(1 Cor. 14:14-15)
• As the new life in the Spirit is expressed, or exercised, the spiritual life is built up or edified. (1 Cor. 14:4, Jude 20)

Two KINDS of Tongues
1. The Gift of Tongues - Words that come from God to a group of people, accompanied by the gift of INTERPRETATION of Tongues.

2. Prayer Language – Speaking to God in a language given by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Language
1 Corinthians 14:14-15

1 Corinthians 14:5

1 Corinthians 14:18

Ephesians 6:18

A simple, childlike act of faith.

All you need is the indwelling Holy Spirit (are you a Christian?), and the willingness to trust Him to guide your voice as you speak.

Praying in tongues creates a path for the Holy Spirit to move out from your spirit and baptize (overwhelm) your…

• SOUL (psychological nature – intellect, will and emotions)
• BODY (physical nature)

This enables God to have greater influence over your whole being.

You are literally helping yourself grow spiritually. (1 Cor. 14:4)

Praying in tongues allows the Holy Spirit to gain a much stronger hold and leadership over your life as your surrender your speech to Him.

Effective Communication
Romans 8:26

Praying in the Spirit enables you to communicate with God more effectively, because it is God Himself who is giving you the words.

He is expanding our vocabulary!

WHY should I pray in a language I don’t understand?

1 Corinthians 14:2

1. Praying in the Spirit begins to set you FREE in the Spirit.
2. Praying in the Spirit BUILDS you up as a spiritual person.
3. Praying in the Spirit gives you the ability to pray more EFFECTIVELY to get God’s will done in the world around you.

Do I have to get EMOTIONAL to pray in tongues?

What part of you does EMOTIONS belong to?
What part of you cooperates with the Holy Spirit?
Therefore – emotions have nothing to do with it!


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